Lac de Tizlit, Morocco Week 98 18th-19th February 2013
Next morning was a bit of a surprise.

The wind had become a breeze. The sun came out.

And the coots (not the red crested variety) drifted a little closer.
We headed east towards Medelt.

Out of the mountains as we suspect a bit of bad weather headed our way.

East of Imilchal we climbed.

This is snow that has melted a bit then iced over.

The well is frozen.
Over a pass and a long way down.
There are poplars growing between the fields.
At times we were in second gear downhill.

All nicely under control.

Not the road ...

An aquaduct for irrigation.

We began to see trees.

Cedar we believe. Which grows above about 1700m.

The mystery of pitched roofs was solved when we stopped to help a motorcyclist.

Forestry service buildings.

The motorcyclist was short a couple of the right sized spanners.

A village east of Anefgou.

We were intrigued by the white dots until we realised they are satellite dishes.

The descent from Col Tizi Timicha (2409m).

Its not on any of our maps. Nor is the road.

But it looked like it headed in the right direction.

Good, relatively new, road.

With a steep descent.

We weren't too sure what to expect of the high Atlas.

Still sedimentary. Still contorted.

As we began to descend towards Midelt the road suddenly improved.

The dust in the distance is (we think) from a dam construction.

The Cirque De Jaffar track is known to be a bit of a challenge.

We thought we'd drive the first 7km to look over the cirque.

Not to be. Shortly after this spot, about 3km in, we turned round. Another of our 7 point turns.

The track was a bit washed out and a couple of large piles of rocks (ready for repairs) blocked our way. Probably passable by an enthusiastic smaller vehicle driver.

And so to Midelt.

Pavements for pedestrians and seal up to the pavements.

The municipal campsite is towards the south of the town.

A grey day. We went grocery shopping in the morning.

Watched the storks nesting nearby.

Then sat in the truck for the rest of the day watching the rain.

It looks very dark over the mountains so we are pleased to be here.

Volubilis and Chefchouen, Morocco Week 99 20th-25th February 2013

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