Kep to Phnom Chisor Week 5 26th May 2011
The boats in Cambodia are similar, but different to those in Thailand.

We didn't get close enough to them to see the construction style.

The motors were much much smaller. More like motor mower than car sized.

This statue is referred to as the Siren.

At the Southern end of Kep Beach, and round the corner a bit.

They seemed to go in for statues.

This is "the big crab".

The real ones, at the crab market, were a tad smaller.

Pol Pot (or at least his acolytes) had a go at demolishing some of the French villas.
This is a shiny new guesthouse. Opening this week.

We thought we were being a bit cheeky, but it had a Tardis sized car park.

This time we gave our remaining riels (did I mention that business in Cambodia is conducted in local riels or US$ or Thai Baht) to the manager.

He instantly handed it to one of his workers, to be shared.

We ate at the Kep Crab Market. The sea lapping at the deck supports. Watching the sunset as we ate.

This is our last view of the sea for many months. Probably until the Black Sea, and Spain beyond that.

We savoured the moment. 

And of course savoured the fish.

The Crab Market (row of restaurants next to market) from the road side.
Back to the countryside.

Looks like very hard work to me.

I wonder if people get foot rot like sheep.

Every so often we saw flocks of ducks in the rice paddies.

We also spotted dead ducks tied to the back of motorbikes on the way to market.

Hats are very much "in" in Cambodia this year.

We failed to catch a good photo of the peculiar scarf headdress that is typical in parts of Cambodia so had to settle for this very (to us) Chinese looking hat.

We've seen driving in Cambodia described in many ways. Mostly by Westerners, mostly derogatory.

Our conclusion is that its simply different, and therefore unpredictable until the patterns are recognised.

One thing going for it all is that its mostly conducted at speeds below 60 km/h. The speed limit in "built up areas" is 30 km/h, but don't expect to go that fast.

In the center of the rear view mirror is a very patient ox. One of two pulling a cart. Behind that is a largish truck.

We are stopped at roadworks, waiting our turn to proceed.

The steps at Phnom Chisor.

We thought we'd take a look at the area from the only high point around.


Only one way to describe it.


Even Buddha decided to lay flat.

Our first "reclining Buddha".

I lied.

Just one more intsy wintsy tiny temple.

At Phnom Chisor is a temple ruin older than Angkor Wat.

There are older further South but we missed them.

From the top of the hill we could see what looked like a ruined gate in a wall.
There were steps down from the temple and a straight track to the gate.
Following a line from the left of the gate one could well imagine the wall extending around the rectangle.

No moat obvious though.

I guess that in our amateur archeologist roles we have begun to form the conclusion that these ruins aren't simply temples but walled towns or cities.

Unfortunately our experience has been that the guide material is limited to which King built what wat, and how, with not a lot about the culture which was cradled in the rice bowl.

At the base of Phnom Chisor is a secondary school.

Hours are from 7am to 11am and 2pm to 5pm. Including Saturday.

This photo, about 10 minutes before the morning bell, could be of any school, anywhere in the world. Apart from one very important distinguishing feature.

It couldn't possibly occur in Australia.

There are no locks used on any of the bicycles.

It was also taken from our campsite in the grounds.

Chuong Ek Genocide Center and Beyond Phnom Penh Week 5 28th May 2011