Lac de Tizlit, Morocco Week 98 17th February 2013
As we began the long descent there's more signs of agriculture.

Including trees. 

Eventually villages.
We aren't descending far but its noticeable.
Occasional small orchards.
And a Khattara.
What a mixture.
This brought new meaning to the idea of cold water washing.
We headed north of Imilchil to Lac Tislit.

We haven't a clue why there are two pitched roof buildings in a land of flat roofs.

We headed along that track.

We later came back to camp at the far end of the lake.

After about 9km there is a second lake. Lac de Isli.

We had originally planned to camp but really didn't find anywhere suitable and the weather was beginning to cloud over.

There was supposed to be a fort. But we didn't find it.

So instead we drove past where all the maps said the road ended.

The track entered a gorge.

We mistakenly assumed that since the water was flowing our way eventually there would be a better road in front.

Not so.

We crossed the river many times.

Eventually a village.

The road stopped.

We turned round.

The villagers were friendly.

It looked like there were more villages further downstream.

Isolated comes to mind.

There was a new well being built and lots of plastic piping. Needed because the river was red.

Something about all the basics we take for granted.

Just as awkward going back.
Lac de Isli.
And finally back to Lac de Tizlit.

We camped at lakeside. 2265m so we are expecting another cold night.

Lac de Tizlit to Midelt, Morocco Week 98 18th - 19th February 2013

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