Warren National Park September 9 - 10 2024
  We are not sure why we don't like the idea of driving on a freeway, but it is surely the quickest and easiest way through the middle of Perth.

We contemplated driving around, but want to see Warren National Park and big trees.

  The waste disposal vehicle in front looked like it was headed through the middle.

Finding the right lane, avoiding lane changes, is one way to make strange, to us, freeways more relaxing.

  Across the river.
  Having made no lane changes we are lined up for further south.
  We stop at Greenbushes for the night. Near the sports ground.

Greeted by a wren.

  A couple of other campers.

And a morning visit from Ranger writing in notebook.

  Next morning a detour to a lookout.

Somewhere down there, through the mist, is the world's largest lithium mine.

We can hear a pneumatic drill at work. The rest we will have to imagine.

  Through a bit of wine country. Vineyards seem to have elaborate entrances.
  And so to karri forest. Towards Pemberton.
  We aren't sure about what is painted on several trees.

Perhaps a conflict between preserving trees and saving people who are incapable of driving along a road without colliding with trees.

Shortly turn right into Heartbreak Trail.

Our map calls it Maiden Bush Trail.

  We have reached the Warren River. Maiden Bush.

We can find growing what we know as maiden hair ferns.

Not far to our Drafty's Campsite.

  Welcomed by a western rosella.
  And small purple flowers.
  Plus the big trees we came to see.
  Which are impossible to take pictures of.
  A walk along the river bank allows us some impression of the forest.
  Our truck dwarfed by trees at the campsite.
  The river peaceful.
  Only one night.
  Our truck still dwarfed at the lookout.
  A lookout over the Warren River.
Stirling Range September 11 - 12 2024

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