To Lake Disappointment July 28 2024
  Fill our tanks with water from the bore.

Hand pump to lift water from bore into bucket. Electric pump to pump from bucket to our tanks.

The bore is deeper than Jupiter Bore. More effort required to pump.

  The low hills as we leave Georgia Bore.
  After a couple of hours, a give way sign.

A trifle incongruous.

  Its on an old exploration associated track.

Seems to run north-south, from nowhere to nowhere.

At least the bit visible on satellite view.


We think.

  On a salt flat.

Fortunately a dry one.

  Then Kumpupuntil .... once Lake Disappointment.

We are more or less at the northern tip.

About 330 km2 (= big).

  How we know its Lake Disappointment.

One day the sign will be changed.

  We walked around a bit.

To avoid the "hero tracks" where people have driven onto the flat.

  We camp a few km south. A short, 3km, track east of the main track.
  A desolate, attractive, place.
  Watching the colours change through sunset and sunrise.
  Ready for dinner, and star watching.
Diebil Hills July 29 - 30 2024

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